Product Insight

Hello everyone, through my initiative Product Insight I research and update regularly on several aspects that affect our health and environment. In the past year, I realized that we humans take everything that nature has to offer and in turn destroy nature and its resources knowingly and unknowingly in many ways. We have to start thinking about caring and giving back to nature if we want our future generations to enjoy what nature has to offer. The climate changes are going off the charts and the Antarctic Ocean is melting away and the Ozone layer is damaged everyday affecting the balance of the earth and its environment. The consequences are huge. It’s high time that every individual thinks about saving nature in whichever small way possible. I decided to do series of podcast episodes in order to create awareness among the younger generation-students like me and also the youngest citizens of our country and the world.

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The impact of Carbon dioxide

Tuesday Apr 12, 2022

Tuesday Apr 12, 2022

This podcast describes the impact of Carbon dioxide and how it increases the temperature. It also talks about a model by NASA scientists on the levels of Carbon dioxide. The information is based on the article published on the SciTechDaily. Hope you enjoy listening to my podcast!


Saturday Aug 28, 2021

Saturday Aug 28, 2021

Plastic pollution is undoubtedly one of the biggest man-made disasters on earth. Right now if each one of you can take a minute and look around yourself-wherever you are-at home, office, school, shop, beach, a mountain? It could be anywhere, really. Location doesn’t matter. What really matters is that you will most likely see something made of plastic. 

Friday Jun 25, 2021

The most common phrase that everyone must have heard is Reduce, Reuse and Recycle. Following this phrase, today I am going to talk about how we can take baby steps towards changing our mindsets and switching from using chemical based floor cleaners to homemade Bio enzymes. I decided to do this podcast in order to create awareness among the younger generation-students like me and also the youngest citizens of our country and the world. In order to take this initiative further, I have curated an activity booklet to target younger students. I envision these activities to enhance the thinking of the younger generation and inspire them to make a change by spreading information in a fun and interactive way. We are the future and should start bringing in change in order to protect our environment.

Product Insight 2020

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